
Intro:  Living the Amaris Life

The Amaris (Hebrew for God Given) Life is a way of living that is intentional, faithful and faith-filled, consistent, and persistent, with love as the foundation.

Often times in the LGBTQIA+ community, we find ourselves left out of the prevailing spiritual or religious traditions, even if you attend an inclusive tradition–even more so if you are person of color within the LGBTQIA+ community.  Many of us were raised within a particular culture and find ourselves later in life trying to reconcile your faith and the fact that there maybe a certain aspect of your faith walk that is missing.

My goal is to remind you of the tools to necessary to connect with the Creator of all…of Spirit…the Divine while tapping into the center of your purpose.

EVERYONE on this Earth has a Divine Purpose

Yes…you’ve read that right.  Everyone on this Earth has a Divine purpose, as our Creator lives within us.  Everything that we have been seeking to find is already within us and it’s just a matter of listening to the the Divine nature within. 

Often times we get so caught up in life and which way to go…but the very center of our being is calling upon us to do something extraordinary in life.  I want to remind you the tools necessary to sift through church hurt, past struggles, frustration, loss of relationships, depression, and racial divides to dig deep into what you are meant to do in this life.

Contact me if you are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and struggling to find that voice within you calling you deeper.




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